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Bullet-hit RMG worker dies following clash with ‘law enforcers’ in Ashulia

An RMG worker died with bullet wounds after a clash broke out between protesting workers and law enforcers in Ashulia today.
The deceased was identified as Kawsar Ahmed Khan, 26. He was a sewing operator at Mango Tex Ltd.
The clash left at least 30 others injured, including five workers who were taken to hospital with bullet wounds.
Meanwhile, workers vandalised at least five law enforcement vehicles.
The five workers with bullet wounds are Habib, Nazmul Hasan, Russell, Nayan, and Obaidul.
Habib was admitted to PMK Hospital in Ashulia, while the rest were admitted to Savar Enam Medical College Hospital.
The incident took place in front of the office of Mondol Group in the Tongibari area on the Baipail-Abdullahpur road around noon, workers said.
They said a meeting was held this morning with the owners of Mondol Group, its workers, labour representatives and law enforcement agencies. As there was no agreement, the workers gathered outside the factory. Later, workers from other factories joined them.
At one point, agitated workers vandalised at least 5 vehicles of the joint forces forcing the law enforcers to charge batons at them. According to workers, law enforcers also opened fire on protesting workers injuring at least 30 workers.
Suman, a worker of Natural Denims, said, “Everyone was working in our factory in the morning. There was no movement in our factory. However, when the workers of Mondol Group started protesting in front of their factory, our workers went there to show solidarity. A few other factory workers also joined there. At that time, the members of the joint forces started charging batons and firing at the workers.”
Nazim Uddin, manager (admin) of PMK Hospital in Ashulia, told The Daily Star, “Two workers named Nazmul and Habib were brought to our hospital with bullet wounds. They were shifted elsewhere as their condition was critical. Besides, two more injured workers are being treated at our hospital.”
Kawsar, Nayan, Russell, Obaidul and Nazmul Hasan were brought to Enam Medical College Hospital, where doctors declared Kawsar dead.
Enamul Haque, a physician at the hospital, told The Daily Star, “Kawsar was brought dead to the hospital. He has a bullet wound in his lower abdomen. Among the the other three, two have bullet wounds in their chests.”
The condition of the injured is critical. One person has been shifted to intensive care unit (ICU), he added.
Ekramul Haque, who took the injured victims to the hospital and a worker of the Mango Tex factory, told The Daily Star that workers of Mondal Group were protesting over various demands.
“Our factory is located opposite the Mondal Group. As we were heading home leaving the factory, law enforcers started firing at us,” he said.
Additional DIG of Dhaka Range Mostafizur Rahman was present at the spot, our Savar correspondent reports.
The Daily Star tried to reach him for comments but couldn’t despite calling and texting him several times.
Industrial Police-1 SP Sarwar Alam could not be reached for comment despite repeated attempts.
When contacted, Dhaka District Superintendent of Police Ahmed Muyeed told The Daily Star that he was not aware of the incident.
Jewel Miah, OC of Savar Model Police Station, told The Daily Star that Kawsar’s body, a worker of Mango Tex Limited in Ashulia, has been sent to the Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy.
Wishing anonymity, a senior official of Ashulia Industrial Police said at least seven members of the industrial police were injured in the clash. The injured includes Ashulia Industrial Police SP Md Sarwar Alam, who was hit on the head by brick chunks hurled by protesting workers, the official said.
“It is a sensitive issue, I do not want to say anything. I don’t know who fired,” he added.
